Register With Us

Join our Sales community

We are thrilled to offer you the opportunity to join our growing sales team. NeoPro Solutions recognize the importance of building up our sales department, and we have deployed external efforts to make it as effective as possible.

By registering with us and activating your sales account with just Ksh 2,100, you will receive login credentials to your dashboard. This will allow you to handle clients and earn money from the account. With every referral to our portal, you will earn Ksh 1,200!

To get started, all you need is:

  • a National ID or passport,
  • a smartphone,
  • and English proficiency.

Once you purchase your sales account, you will have the ability to promote our products and earn a commission of up to 40% of the profit per product you sell. In summary:

  • Promote our products and earn a commission (Upto 40%)
  • List your products or services to our marketplace and get clients to pay you.

We trust you to handle the customers, as long as they are satisfied with your service (if you are fit to provide the service) We offer you the flexibility to manage clients and maximize your earning potential.

Join our sales community today and start earning money from the comfort of sales of products you dint make. We look forward to working with you.

NeoPro Solutions Online earning platform.

once you have a sales account you take 3 classes with questions on completion of each and you have your rating accordingly to 100% and that determines how many job you can handle. After this class you are tought tasks of different areas and paid instantly on mpesa after complition of tast